
Don’t Let Your Credit Cards Get Out Of Control

Credit Cards Get Out Of Control, credit card debt
Credit cards are incredibly useful – in fact, they are almost a necessity. Just try to buy anything online, book a hotel or buy airline tickets without one, and you’ll quickly realize just how much you depend on them. However, you need to think of a credit card as a way of managing your cash flow over the month, not as a source of credit. If you compare the interest rate on a typical credit card...

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Posted in: Credit and Debt

Christmas and the Debt Dilemma

Debt Dilemma, christmas shopping
Many people are inundated with debt through their mortgage, lines of credit, or personal and credit card debts. Most people also live paycheck to paycheck, with minimal savings or investments, and have no idea how to get off the tread mill. It’s no wonder most people feel “there is no money left at the end of the month.” With the Christmas holidays coming up, it’s even more important not...

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Posted in: Credit and Debt

Using Debt Calculators To Accelerate Your Debt Repayment

Accelerate Your Debt Repayment, debt repayment, debt calculator, paying off debt, debt management
One of the biggest struggles we face when approaching our debt is overcoming that feeling of not being in control.  As you look at bill statements and overdue notices, the flood of bad news can be crushing to any sense of motivation you’ve had in getting rid of debt. As with most things in life, it’s always beneficial to have goals.  Having a target and an end-point in mind helps frame your focus...

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Posted in: Guest Post

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