
August Garden Update

Another month of summer down means another month of gardening has passed us by.  Last month, we showed off our new community garden and the seedlings and plants that we had in the ground. This month, Vancouver has had a long bout of sunny, warm weather, followed recently by some cooler showers.  This can only mean one thing – harvest time!

New Community Garden

Despite the monstrous tomato jungle that we’ve grown, we haven’t actually harvested that many tomatoes yet.  I’ve been pruning, pruning, pruning every week but still, the tomatoes are spreading all over the place.

Tomato Jungle

We’ve managed to harvest 2 Mr.Stripey tomatoes and about 30 green beans.  The beans are absolutely delicious.  It is the first year that I’ve managed to grow healthy bean plants and I’m really loving it!

Tomato support

Old Community Garden

No tomatoes yet.  Our plants are still alive but I have to admit, we don’t like to visit this garden as much as we like to visit our new garden.  The weeds have taken over all of the paths and it is looking very unkempt.  Brian had to remove all the choy and asian greens in the adjoining box because they started to seed and were infested with aphids. We didn’t want any issues with them jumping over to our semi-healthy tomato plants, so they were sacrificed. Considering we spent $30 on garden fees for the two boxes, it’s unlikely we’ll get a decent return on investment this year (if any).

Old Garden tomatos

Balcony Garden

Our balcony garden has actually been the most productive so far because we planted these plants the earliest.  So far, I’ve harvested ~60 tumbler tomatoes (about 4 pints) and several bunches of rosemary, thyme and oregano.

The tomato plant is just about done for the season – I’m planning on putting some bean seedlings in once I get the last 5-10 tomatoes harvested.

How’s everyone else’s gardens doing?

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