
Making money is easy

Making money, extra income
“I would really like to do that, but I don’t have enough money.” Sound familiar? There is an engrained sense of self pity in our society when it comes to making money (namely that what we earn is never good enough). Traditional thinking is to believe that our ‘day job’ should pay us enough money to afford the lifestyle that we want. In a changing world, those that think...

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Posted in: Career and Work, Money, Philosophy

Paying off my student loans

student loans, paying off student loans, debt freedom, paying off debt
According to Statistics Canada, over half of Canadian students graduate from post secondary education with an outstanding government student loan. As you know, CF graduated with a large student loan, while I owed less to the government but more to my parents. On average, we had as much debt as everyone else.  Not very appetizing for a couple who prides themselves on being different!   Photo Credit:...

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Posted in: Credit and Debt, Money

My $1000 back to school budget

back to school budget, budget for college, budgeting
So I’ve been a little busy the last few weeks and neglecting the blog! One excuse – I’m back at the university full time to finish up the last year of my 2nd degree program. Going back to school without going back into debt meant massive savings and massive budgeting. Currently, I have enough saved to pay for tuition plus the next two months of living expenses. I have enough guaranteed...

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Posted in: Money
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