
Live your dream – so you don’t end up like this guy…

Live your dream, follow your passion, computer science
There’s a guy at my work who takes care of all the computer-related stuff for the lab.  Let’s call him Jack, short for Jackass. Jack’s in his late thirties or early forties, has two young kids and recently made the manager “manager” level.  So he gets paid about 50-55k per year, but he does get a gold plated pension and benefit package thanks to working for the university. ...

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Posted in: Career and Work, Philosophy

Making money is easy

Making money, extra income
“I would really like to do that, but I don’t have enough money.” Sound familiar? There is an engrained sense of self pity in our society when it comes to making money (namely that what we earn is never good enough). Traditional thinking is to believe that our ‘day job’ should pay us enough money to afford the lifestyle that we want. In a changing world, those that think...

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Posted in: Career and Work, Money, Philosophy

People who have inspired me – My (almost) first manager

My first steady job (that didn’t involve working for my dad) was at a dollar store.  My parents knew the owners and put me in touch with them.  One brief meeting later, I was gainfully employed. I was 17-almost-18 at the time.  I had to travel an hour and a half to get to the store and an hour and a half to get home.  As you can imagine, this sucked.  I worked there for a year and a bit. ...

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Posted in: Career and Work

Giving up the perfect job

the perfect job, job opportunity, applying for a job
A few years ago, I interviewed for my almost-dream job.  The position was for a “Publishing Coordinator” in a large biotech company.  The job involved preparing the weekly newsletter, writing articles, and research new findings and events in science.  Awesome, right? Photo Credit: photologue_np at http://www.flickr.com/photos/44313045@N08/6290270129/ I’m pretty good at interviews. ...

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Posted in: Career and Work, Credit and Debt, Money
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