
I want to start a business

start a business, business idea, entrepreneur, blogging, hockey blogging, starting up a business
Is it possible to be motivated by your own site? CF had a great post (if I do say so myself) earlier this week about living your dream. I’ve realized, that while I’m happy and somewhat complacent in my current position, I do not have a basic enthusiasm for the subject matter or have any personal investment in the results of my labour. Nevertheless, I am grateful to be employed; a family...

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Posted in: Career and Work

Making money is easy

Making money, extra income
“I would really like to do that, but I don’t have enough money.” Sound familiar? There is an engrained sense of self pity in our society when it comes to making money (namely that what we earn is never good enough). Traditional thinking is to believe that our ‘day job’ should pay us enough money to afford the lifestyle that we want. In a changing world, those that think...

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Posted in: Career and Work, Money, Philosophy

Updates: July 23-29

For the past few summers, CF and I have taken to the bush about this time and picked wild blackberries – why pay for berries if you can pick them? This summer, we found a raspberry bush and have recently discovered a lot of edible berries in the local woods, especially red huckleberry. Sadly we seem to have missed salmon berry season. While we’ve been chowing down, here’s what been...

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Posted in: Weekly Updates

Landlord tips: Extending the lease

Landlord tips, lease, tenants, renting
Good news! CF and I found out late last week that our tenants have agreed to sign on for another full year. This is great news and ensures that we won’t have to go through the process of finding new tenants for at least another year.   Photo Credit: Jess and Colin (http://www.flickr.com/photos/jessandcolin/2362586545/) Offer another full year As a tenant, when my initial year lease has ended,...

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Posted in: Home, Real Estate
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