
Memorial Day and All-Year Deals for Military, Friends, and Family

I have never been in the military. Yet, I notice how much people who have never served benefit from Memorial Day. Not out of ill will or out of voluntary design. It is what it is. However, the fact remains that Memorial Day is big business for corporate retail concerns. They go out of their way to bombard us with advertisement about Memorial Day sales, discounts, and deals. This year, Americans will...

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Posted in: Saving Money

Memorial Day Mattress Shopping Tips

I am in the market for getting a new mattress. Like many other people, I overpaid for my last one. I have just bought a house and I wanted the fanciest mattress I could find. So, I paid over $2,700 for a king-sized mattress. I got good use out of it or about 7 years, which is the average time that most people keep a mattress. It sounds like a lot of money, but when most people buy a mattress from...

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Posted in: Saving Money

Buying or Gifting a $300 Designer Handbag – Is It Worth It?

The right style tells the whole world who you are without you needing to utter a syllable. I always refer to that quote when I am buying gifts for others. Especially on birthdays or holidays like Mother’s Day. Mother’s Day has just passed, but it is always good to keep ideas and suggestions in mind for future gifts. It’s very hard to buy a gift for someone you know the longer you know them. Also,...

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Posted in: Personal Finance

Traveler Wears 9 Lbs. of Clothing to Evade $85 Baggage Fee

Ever since I was 19, I have travelled to places like Hawaii, Australia, the former Czech Republic (now known as Czechia) Belgium, England, and a few other countries. I was so enthralled with assuming the identity of being a traveler, an adventurer, and someone willing to experience other cultures. Still, going to an airport is just a process of experiencing a system of open and hidden business transaction...

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Posted in: Saving Money, Travel
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