
How Much Can You Save Annually by Ditching Cartridge for Safety Razors

disposable razor
As part of my cost-saving measures this year, much to my chagrin, I have given up my 4-6 week waxing regime and returned to razors. Ugh! I hate it, I swore I would never go back. I love the results of waxing, like love, love. But alas, in an effort to be even more frugal, I gave it up. Who knew that razors had become such a hot commodity? There are the cheap disposable ones, the more robust cartridge-switching...

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Posted in: Personal Finance

3 Ways You Can Save on Energy Costs

The talk of looming inflation has taken over the airwaves. Essentially, this means things might get worse before they become better. Expert economists advise being frugal in readiness for the oncoming recession. But you don’t have to be bombarded with news of doom to save. It’s prudent to save for a rainy day. One way is to cut down on energy bills. Although US energy consumption is expected...

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Posted in: Money

10 Blue-Collar Jobs that Pay $100K

There is a common misconception that blue-collar jobs come with a lower paycheck than other career options. However, not all high-paying jobs require a degree from a four-year university. While many of these positions require specialized training, you probably won’t need to take on student loans to afford them. They may demand a certain level of manual labor, but people are well compensated...

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Posted in: Career

It’s a New Year and It’s Time for Some New Money!

side hustle coffee mug
I hate to admit it, but I’ve become just the tiniest bit addicted to TikTok. The videos on side hustles and making money vary greatly – some I immediately spot as a scam and some have been pretty convincing. I can literally spend hours there, lost in the videos of creators I follow and discovering new ones. It is pretty interesting how the theme of the video content I am exposed to varies...

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Posted in: Business
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