
Can You Really Retire Early With a Lower Income?

Last night I was reading an early retirement article on MSN. These types of articles always interest me because I find early retirement pretty fascinating and a long-term goal for myself. In this particular article, the woman featured was able to retire at the age of 32 after paying off $100,000 of student loan debt and amassing a $690,000 net worth in just 5 years. This is probably thanks in large...

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Posted in: Saving Money

FIRECalc Review

Want to retire? I’m sure we all want to stop working at some point but according to CNBC, 81% of Americans have no idea how much they need to retire. What’s worse, is that nearly 1 in 3 Americans have no retirement savings which keeps them trapped in the workplace for extended years. If you don’t want to be stuck working until you’re 80, you have to think about retirement, investing...

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Posted in: Retirement

Get Smart About Retirement Planning

Part of smart financial planning includes preparing for retirement. When you’re already contributing to your retirement accounts, how else can you prepare for a comfortable retirement? Here are a few things to think about as you focus on retirement preparation. Make a plan. The first thing you should do is develop a plan. When do you want to retire? How much can you comfortably live on? How much...

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Posted in: Career and Work, Retirement, Saving Money

I shouldn’t have waited…

bmo, buying stocks, buying shares, shouldn't have waited
As many readers might recall, Brian and I split our retirement savings between our RRSPs and our Tax Free Savings Account.  In my TFSA, I hold exclusively dividend paying stocks which I hope will one day be the basis of my early retirement income.  Right now, I have BMO, SLF, RSI and REI.UN in my portfolio. For a while, I had been holding strong at 81 shares of BMO, which got me a quarterly dividend...

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Posted in: Money
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