
Updates: October 28 – November 3

This week, I’ve been struck by the realization of how incremental effort and change can add up to a big result. For the past two years, I’ve had ongoing issues with my right knee and have never put in the effort to address the issue. I went to physio for a bit, but never kept up my exercises. I’ve done yoga, but never more than once a week at the most. Considering my Mom is a physiotherapist,...

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Posted in: Weekly Updates

5 Money Tips for College Students

Tips for College Students, money tips for college students, being thrifty in college, saving in college
Start an emergency fund Having an emergency fund is a must for anyone, but starting while you’re still in college gives you a good start.  By keeping a bit of money in a savings account, you won’t have to go into debt for small, unexpected bills and you will have a nice starting point to build on for after you graduate. Photo Credit: Lawrence OP via Flickr   Startingan emergency fund in college...

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Posted in: Food and Grocery, Life Hacks, Minimalism and Frugality

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