
Less Is More: Benefits of Minimalism

More and more people are abandoning their 60 hour per week jobs, McMansions, and pricey leased cars for a simpler, less expensive way of life. Minimalists, like the name implies, are people who focus less on acquiring possessions and more on intangible things that matter most to them. This includes family, friends, hobbies, learning, traveling, and just about anything else you can think of. Not...

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Posted in: Minimalism and Frugality, Money, Saving Money

Doing the little things to save money

saving money, little things to do to save, grad school, cost of grad school, calculator, benefits of grad school
I used to scoff at people who claimed that they didn’t have time to do the little things to save money.  No time?  Don’t be ridiculous – I am a multitasker!  I wash Ziploc bags and search for the best deals on produce and ALWAYS take my lunch to work.  Then I got a job that actually meant something to me… and all my good intentions went down the drain. When things get complicated,...

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Posted in: Life Hacks

Updates: November 18 – 24

Well, all the papers are signed and we’re packing up our apartment tomorrow and moving to our new condo. Luckily, we’re pretty good at this – we’ve moved on average once every 14 months for the past seven years. We also have a whole week to complete the move, but we’re planing on starting to live in our new place on Sunday. Photo Credit: Vancouver Sun To celebrate our...

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Posted in: Weekly Updates

Updates: May 8-14

This weekend I am going to Seattle for a girls weekend.  We do this once or twice a year.  I’m super excited because I haven’t bought clothes in about 4-5 months and I’m looking forward to picking up a few things while I’m down in the states! Meanwhile, Brian is off to the Netherlands for a week long work-related conference.  Let’s all turn green with envy together. ...

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Posted in: Weekly Updates
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