
Our tenants gave notice – Now what?

tenants gave notice, renting, looking for new tenants, contingency plan
This month, Brian and I received the news that our tenants (of almost three years!) were giving notice to move out at the end of April.  We kind of thought that this might happen.  We knew they eventually wanted a bigger place and they both make more than enough money to do so.  But it still sucks to get the news.  However, we have planned ahead!  As a result, we’re not too worried. Photo...

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Posted in: Real Estate

Owning and refinancing a rental property in the US

rental property in the US, rentals, renting, rental properties
While working in academia in the past, I have had the chance to work with  people from many different parts of the world.  At my previous position  as a software developer at a university, I had the opportunity to meet a young graduate student from Arizona.  She was appalled at the cost and quality of rental units in Vancouver and regaled me with stories of cheap property and rental possibilities...

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Posted in: Real Estate

Updates: November 4 – 10

Happy long weekend! Whether you’re celebrating Remembrance Day, Veterans Day, or don’t have the day off because you live abroad, hopefully you can unwind and relax before the holiday season hits in full swing. It’s a beautiful sunny day in Vancouver, CF and I enjoyed a walk to a local coffee shop for brunch, and then down to the local market, enjoying one of the best views in Vancouver...

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Posted in: Weekly Updates

Update: November 6 – 12

Signed up for Car2Go this week! Yes, I’m already a member of the Modo Coop, however I like to have options. The small differences in how car booking and billing works with both organizations makes some trips more economical with either organization, depending on what you need the car for. The gadgets are pretty cool with Car2Go as well – looking forward to checking it out. Photo credit:...

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Posted in: General

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