
How to tell if fish is fresh

fresh fish, fish market, live catch, fish, salmon, halibut, sea bass
There are many substantial health benefits to eating fish on a regular basis:   Photo Credit: Charlie Brewer at http://www.flickr.com/photos/charliebrewer/60778805/ Eating fish at least once a week lowers your risk of heart disease and stroke Fish are an excellent source of protein, calcium, minerals (phosphorus, iron, potassium, etc.) and vitamins (thiamine, niacin, etc.) Fatty and oily fish...

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Posted in: Food and Grocery

A grocery budget for 2

food budget, grocery budget, meal prep, grocery budget for 2, high cost of fresh produce, produce, cheap produce, expensive produce
Last time, I posted my grocery budget for singles, including a breakdown of where this money went over a three month period. This was basically how I ate while I was in university. I lived alone (stupid, stupid, stupid… !) and given the high costs of housing in Vancouver, I had to learn to maximize my budget. It worked out pretty well for me. I cooked most of my meals at home and supplemented this...

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Posted in: Food and Grocery

A singleton’s groceries: Eating well on $100 a month

Eating well on $100 a month, food budget, groceries on a budget
Making a food budget One of the most challenging parts of setting a budget for myself was figuring out my food budget.  In fact, this was one of my first tasks!  Your food costs – what you eat, where you shop, even how often you shop – can really make or break your budget.  For example, buy an orange everyday at the corner store or 7-11 costs $1-$1.50.  In contrast, I bought three oranges yesterday...

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Posted in: Food and Grocery

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