
4 Budgeting Tips For An Inconsistent Income

If you have an inconsistent income, trying to budget effectively can be stressful. I tend to have lots of anxiety in general so when I started earning a fluctuating income last year, my nerves often got the best of me. Freelancers, servers, bartenders and the like all have this in common and it can be hard to plan out what you’ll spend and how you’ll manage your money if you don’t...

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Posted in: Money

Updates: August 11 – 17

This weekend I left CF in the city working on some big work deadlines and headed out to visit my family a couple of hours away. For any Canadians who remember The Beachcombers, I grew up on the Sunshine Coast where the show was filmed. It’s a great place to escape from the city for a short while and not a very long trip. I’m also off to one of the nearby islands for the day to visit a...

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Posted in: Weekly Updates

Using Planwise to create a money plan

planwise, money app, financial app, create a money plan, money plan
Have you heard of Planwise yet?  They’re an up and coming San Francisco based technology company that has created a pretty slick web app to help consumers plan out their finances.  The basic idea is that you give the app your financial stats – income, expenses, debts and so on – and then add “Plans” on top off your baseline.  Plans could be things like taking out a...

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Posted in: Money

Estimating income and bills

Estimating income, expenses, emergency expenses, bills, budgeting, budgeting income, make a budget that works, budgeting 101, Family and finances, dealing with the family, Making money, extra income, quick cash, side job
I’m a little annoyed because I over-estimated my paycheque at my new job.  As a result, I’ve had to do some last-minute adjustments to my budget.  Part of it was due to uncertainty – not all of my deductions and benefits were processed until recently, for example, so my very first paycheque was inflated.  Part of it was due to optimism on my part – I had apparently forgotten...

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Posted in: Money
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