
Germany on a budget: Accomodation

Germany on a budget, travel on a budget, cheap travel, travel hack, travel tip, cheap accommodation
In about a month, Brian and I are heading to Germany for a 3 week trip.  I’m super excited.  The trip is entirely paid for in cash – though I won’t go into the details here. We’ve planned the trip down to the last dollar and have really tried to maximize experiences and value. Over the next few posts, I’m going to talk about some of the tricks and tips we’ve used. Cheap...

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Posted in: Entertainment and Leisure, Travel

My $1000 back to school budget

back to school budget, budget for college, budgeting
So I’ve been a little busy the last few weeks and neglecting the blog! One excuse – I’m back at the university full time to finish up the last year of my 2nd degree program. Going back to school without going back into debt meant massive savings and massive budgeting. Currently, I have enough saved to pay for tuition plus the next two months of living expenses. I have enough guaranteed...

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Posted in: Money

Indulge yourself to stay on track

Indulge yourself, coffee, latte, splurge
Budgets are tough.  It’s easy to want things and so much harder to say no.  Saying no to yourself does get easier over time, but it helps if you leave enough room in your budget for the occasional indulgence.  It’s like a diet.  Everyone knows that eating lots of fruits, vegetables and fiber will keep you healthy, but the occasional chocolate bar does no harm and may offer some benefit as...

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Posted in: Entertainment and Leisure, Money

A grocery budget for 2

food budget, grocery budget, meal prep, grocery budget for 2, high cost of fresh produce, produce, cheap produce, expensive produce
Last time, I posted my grocery budget for singles, including a breakdown of where this money went over a three month period. This was basically how I ate while I was in university. I lived alone (stupid, stupid, stupid… !) and given the high costs of housing in Vancouver, I had to learn to maximize my budget. It worked out pretty well for me. I cooked most of my meals at home and supplemented this...

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Posted in: Food and Grocery
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