
Money Saving Tips for College Students

college tips, money saving tips, saving money
It’s no secret that college is expensive. With tuition and fees averaging around $23,000 per year, it has become crucial that students save money wherever they can and try their best to avoid racking up student loans. College will probably not be the most glamorous time in your life, but just remember that you’re working toward a better future and a sustainable career. You should adopt frugal habits,...

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Posted in: Education, Saving Money

Easy Ways to Save on Back to School Supplies

Summer is winding down, and for many people, that means back to school time – and shopping for school supplies. If you have school-aged children, you probably know this means buying more than a few notebooks and number 2 pencils. In fact, the average household will spend an estimated $100 per child for back to school supplies. Before you start to panic, here are some easy ways to save loads...

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Posted in: Education, Family, Minimalism and Frugality, Money

How to Balance Life When You Go Back to College

work-life balance, balance life, going back to college
It is a huge challenge nowadays in today’s busy world how to prioritize work, personal life and even more so if you are studying at the same time. We only have 24 hours in a day and it feels as if we need more just to give time and to balance everything out. So how can we achieve a work-life balance? First thing to keep in mind is to set your priorities. Figure out what it is you want, not what it...

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Posted in: Education

How Innovative Crowdfund Connects Student Debt with Volunteerism

Studentdebt_volunteerism, innovative crowdfund, university education , graduation, college, university
Hopelessness. Every college graduate with student loans experiences it. Although you have a solid debt repayment plan, live a modest life, and make every payment on time it still feels like the mountain of debt will never disappear. And it’s overwhelming. You calculate the years it will take to build a positive net worth and you begin to fear… The time spent on your education will go to...

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Posted in: Education
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