
7 Perfect Side Jobs for Immobile Individuals

Perfect Side Jobs for Immobile Individuals

Everyone is talking about the gig economy and finding innovative ways to make money. Before the birth of the internet, many side hustles required a high level of activity. However, there are a plethora of new options for those who have physical limitations. If this has been a concern for you, here are 7 perfect side jobs for immobile individuals looking to earn some extra income.

7 Perfect Side Jobs for Immobile Individuals

1. Customer Service Representative

In the wake of COVID-19 and social distancing measures, many companies are moving away from brick-and-mortar workplaces. So, they are hiring more remote employees, especially for customer service positions. Telecommunications companies and call centers across the country need remote agents to collect information, process financial transactions, and handle the increased call volumes.

Since these jobs offer competitive pay and benefits, many people choose to make it a career. Depending on your qualifications and the industry, you can earn between $10-$20 an hour with incentives, retirement matching, and health insurance. The financial stability that these jobs offer makes them one of the best options for generating a steady side income.

2. Freelancing

Working as a freelancer is another common way to bring in some extra cash. You can find multiple opportunities to make money online if you have the right skill set. With more work moving online, companies hire out smaller jobs to freelancers to save time and money. Some of the most highly sought-after skill sets include:

  • graphic design
  • web developer
  • video editing
  • animation
  • transcribing
  • writing
  • proofreading
  • copy editing
  • data entry
  • accounting
  • virtual assistant
  • social media marketing

Many of these jobs offer you the convenience of working from anywhere since most tasks only require a computer and internet connection. Although it can be difficult to find clients when you start, the income potential and flexibility make freelancing opportunities the perfect side jobs for immobile individuals.

3. eCommerce

With so many people working for reduced hours, pay, and benefits, it is a good time to explore opportunities to start your own business. Since social media and online sales platforms allow you to reach a wider audience, you could start a successful eCommerce business from home.

There are several ways and dedicated marketplaces to help you as well. Some people earn money by reselling products for a profit using Amazon FBA or drop-shipping. The more creative types can sell their items online through craft sites like Etsy and Artfire. And, there are more delivery apps to help smaller restaurants break into the foodie scene. Although, you may decide to create your own site to avoid fees and retain more of your profits.

4. Teaching English

I’ll admit that when I first started teaching ESL overseas, I felt like I was in over my head. However, it turned out to be one of the most rewarding and highest-paying careers I’ve ever had. And, the demand for English teachers is on the rise. Now, anyone who holds a degree and speaks English can start making money teaching English online.

Rather than the traditional classroom setting, you can have virtual one-on-one lessons with students. Sites like VIPKid offer flexible schedules and competitive rates that range from $20-$30 a lesson. If you obtain a TESOL or TEFL certification, it could bring you higher pay and more job options as well. Those who have a 4-year college degree, the ability to speak English, the desire to teach, and a personal computer may find it to be an easy side hustle to supplement their income.

5. Online Tutoring

If English isn’t your strong suit, there are also many online tutoring positions for other subjects and skills. Once they verify that you hold a degree or have experience in the field, sites like Tutor.com will match you with prospective students. You can choose your schedule, the subjects you prefer to teach, and which level of students you want to work with.

Not only do you have the chance to pass on your knowledge, but you will also be well compensated for your time. Depending on your certifications and related job experience, you could earn anywhere from $25-$45 an hour. However, those with highly specialized skills can advertise their services through online job markets and set their own prices.

6. Publishing eBooks

While you may have a partially finished manuscript lying around, have you ever seriously considered publishing it? Many people talk about writing a book, but few ever see it through. The good news is that it is much easier to self-publish nowadays. So, putting your eBook online could generate passive income for you.

If you already have experience writing, publishing an ebook could be the next step. Even if you do not become an instant success or world-renowned author, it can bring profits over time.  And, the more platforms you use to self-publish, the more money you can make. But, you’ll never know if you could hack it as a professional writer until you put pen to paper.

7. Affiliated Marketing

Although it may not technically be a side job, affiliated marketing is a great way to make additional money from things you’re already doing. For those who host a blog, a YouTube channel, or actively use other social media platforms, it provides an option for you to monetize your hobbies. In fact, affiliated marketing is the secret to how many people make money online.

In essence, sponsors are willing to pay you for your influence. Those who have thousands of friends and followers on social media can earn additional income by recommending or promoting a product or service. Then, you usually receive a commission on sales made from your referrals as well. There are thousands of things you could potentially advertise. But, you want to be conscious of who you partner with and how it will affect your online image and brand.

Finding the Right Job

If you are among those who cannot perform labor-intensive tasks, there are still opportunities out there for immobile individuals to earn side income. However, you need to take an honest assessment of your job skills and what services you can provide. Once you find the right job, you can get to work and start bringing in some extra bucks to boost your budget.


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Posted in: Online Income, Personal Finance

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