
Expecting? Here’s How to Prepare Your Budget for a Baby

budget for a baby, pregnancy budget tips, frugal pregnancy
Having a child is no doubt a life changing experience. When you become a parent or add a child to your family, it becomes less and less about you and more about what the baby needs and how the whole family will adjust. One of those key adjustments you need to focus on is your budget. It’s no secret that raising kids is quite expensive. From the time a baby is born, you may need to pay for hospital...

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Posted in: Family

5 Benefits of Purchasing a Foreclosed Home

purchasing a foreclosed home, homebuying tips, save money when buying a home
Looking to buy a home that is affordable, has quality, but probably isn’t going to be your forever home? A foreclosed home may be a worthwhile option. The home buying process is often expensive and can be quite tedious. It’s important to look at homes that are in your price range and that you know you can afford given all your other expenses. When shopping around to see what’s on...

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Posted in: Home

How to Make Time to Side Hustle

side hustle ideas, making time for side hustle, side hustle tips
We’ve mentioned many side hustle ideas and opportunities on Outlier Model in the past. While there’s no doubt that there’s no shortage in side hustle ideas to match your monetary needs and interests, you may find it hard to squeeze in time to do extra work on the side when you already work a full-time job. Determining how much time you have to commit to your side hustle is a crucial first step....

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Posted in: Career and Work, Money

College Grads: Tips for Landing Your Next Job

job tips, career tips, job advice
Graduating college is an amazing experience. After putting in lots of hard work studying and doing homework along with cramming for finals each semester, it feels amazing to finally walk across the stage and receive the degree you’ve been working toward for so many years. The only bittersweet part about graduating college is if you don’t have a job lined up and have very little or no prospects....

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Posted in: Career and Work, Uncategorized
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