
Why BYOD encourages employee retainment

This article was written by Mandi Rogier. Mandi blogs regularly about business and technology topics. A number of blogs and websites feature her articles.

BOYD, or bring your own device, programs are one of the latest trends to hit the workplace. While this type of policy naturally requires some restructuring, it’s proving an effective way to keep employees productive and satisfied. If you’re facing problems with employee retainment, a bring your own device policy might prove just the way to deal with the issue. In particular, doing so:

Gives Employees Their Choice of Technology

Image via Flickr by langleyo

Image via Flickr by langleyo

BYOD programs allow employees to bring their own technology to the workplace. This means that workers will be able to choose the laptops, tablets, or mobile phones that best suit their personal preferences. This is a big perk that makes it easier for many people to get their jobs done. The old routine of forcing everyone in the office to learn to use a new device was a drag for some. Those who aren’t technologically-inclined are often more comfortable with their own devices.

Simplifies Technology for the Worker

Learning to use a new device is always a challenge. You can simplify things greatly for your employees by allowing them to use just one device for both home and work. When employees use a different laptop at home than they do at work, it can get confusing to go back and forth. The same familiar keyboard and screen every day is a welcome comfort.

Programs like BlackBerry’s bring your own device are popping up to streamline the process of using a single device for all an individual’s needs. They allow workers to use their personal devices in the workplace and save money the process — all while maintaining security and integrity of the company’s precious data.

Allows for Easier Telecommuting

When employees use their own personal devices for work, these items typically travel back and forth from the home and the office. This means that employees have the same technology and documents available to them in both places. Implementing a telecommuting program is the logical next step for many positions. When employees already use home devices for their jobs, there’s very little adjustment involved in telecommuting should this become an option part or full-time. Giving employees the opportunity to telecommute during certain times, such as right after maternity leave, is a great way to increase retainment.

Makes it Easier to Log Overtime

Putting in overtime used to mean sitting in the office long after others had left with nothing but buzzing fluorescent lights and the cleaning crew for company. With a BYOD program in place, employees no longer have to sit in the office to log a few extra hours. Instead, they can go home and have dinner before returning to their project for another hour or two. This makes overtime much more bearable and is likely to keep your employees happy even when they have work extra hours.

Allows a Personal Touch on Tech Devices

When employees use their own devices for work, they typically use the devices for personal use as well. This gives items like smartphones a nice personal touch. Employees can feel free to keep family pictures on the device or pop it in a nice case. Making work a little more comfortable and personal is a good way to keep your employees “in the family” for a long time to come.

Shows the Company is Keeping Up with Current Trends

BYOD programs are on the rise worldwide. An IT World Canada study revealed that 46 percent of businesses globally and 75 percent of businesses in Canada support the use of personal smartphones in the workplace. Another study by Avande shows that 61 percent of global companies and 54 percent of Canadian companies allow personal computing devices at work. Companies that join this majority can prove to their employees that they’re progressive, readily evolving, and willing to adapt to the times.

Gives Employees What they Want Most

A Deloitte study revealed that employees care more about a flexible work environment than about money or higher positions. An impressive 56% of respondents cared more about flexibility on the job than anything else. This makes BYOD an incredibly cost-effective way to keep your staff happy. Rather than having a raise, many employees will simply be happy to use their home computer or smart phone for their job. Satisfied employees who feel comfortable in their workplace are likely to stick around and give long-term loyalty to the company.

Bring your own device programs are trending around the world for many very good reasons, from cost effectiveness to flexibility. As good as these programs are for the company, they’re equally beneficial to the employee, creating a greater sense of satisfaction and chance of long-term employee retainment.

Brian’s note: Remember to use your discretion if you’re allowed to use your own devices at work! A new hire recently brought their personal blackberry in to a meeting…on his third day of work. What email could you possibly be checking when you’re still being trained! Let’s be smart, people! 

Posted in: Guest Post

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