
June Garden Update

After a busy month getting planters ready and seedlings in, we settled into June to watch our assorted plants grow.  I have to admit, I’ve been less diligent with my plants this year – work has been very busy and with Brian away at his wine course each weekend, I haven’t had the motivation to drag myself out to the garden.  Nonetheless, we’ve made a bit of progress.


New Community Garden

After being on the waiting list, Brian and I got into one of the city’s oldest and most beautiful community gardens.  Think paved paths, communal fruit trees, embossed benches.  Yes, this is the Ferrari of community gardens.

I only JUST put the plants in, so not much to say yet.  Things are looking good though!  We have 5 tomato plants, 2 bean plants (so far) and a lavender plant.  I’m hoping to add more beans plus some greens.

 new community garden

new community garden 2

These photo’s were taken last week and as you can see, there are a few yellow leaves.  I think they were unhappy about being in such small pots for so long.  When I visited the garden this past weekend, all the plants were looking greener and bigger.  Hooray!


Old Community Garden

Okay, confession time guys – The results from the old community garden are so bad that I was too embarrassed to take photos.  *hangs head*  After last year’s successful garden, I had such high hopes!  Ah well.  Here we go…


Ehhh… I’m not too happy with how the tomatoes are doing.  I’m not sure *what* is wrong, but the tomatoes are not happy.  Judging from the discolouration of the leaves, I’d say it is a nutrient deficiency.  Last year, I was really diligent about fertilizing my plants, but I haven’t been as good this year.  I did get some plant food two weeks ago but not sure if it is too late for these guys.


I planted some basil near the tomatoes as a companion plant.  However, even though the plant itself looks relatively healthy, something has been eating it!  What!  I had no idea herbs had pests… generally, aromatic herbs are aromatic because the smell/taste deters pest.  Bah.

Asian greens

To continue the misery, the greens I planted all failed miserably.  They are shrivelled, dessicated and not looking good for eating.  It was strange, because they were doing fine on my balcony.  But after a few weeks in the ground, they look like death.


Balcony garden

My balcony garden is a bit smaller than last year’s balcony garden.  Nevertheless, I have a few plants growing.


balcony garden

Yes, yes… we are growing a lot of tomatoes.  But I like tomatoes!  I am again growing tumblers on the balcony and as you might be able to see, there are already a few!  My other tumbler is in the new community garden, but unfortunately, it was in a small pot for a long time so it doesn’t have nearly has many tomatoes as this one does.


Herb planter

And again I’m growing a big pot of herbs.  I like growing herbs on the balcony because it keeps them within easy reach for cooking!  This year, I’m growing Greek oregano, thyme and rosemary.  Yum!


So even though I’m a bit disappointed at how things are going at the old community garden, my balcony garden and new community garden are doing pretty well!  How is everyone’s gardening going?  Any harvests yet?

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