
Updates: May 5 – 11

Some bloggers have been asking about the details of my NZ trip. If you’re interested in hearing more, you can check out my beer and wine blog over at www.tangledvines.ca and check out my post on the wine region of Waiheke Island! That was as far out of Auckland as I got, although hanging with NZ Muse was pretty fun too (ps. congrats on the wedding last week!).

Someone mentioned it’s Mother’s Day this weekend (who knew!). My Mother was never big into the idea that there was one day a year where we got to say thanks to our Mom’s, when she had to be a Mom for the 364 other days of the year too! Plus, there was always an undertone of anti-consumerism in my household, which I think laid the groundwork for my own minimalistic tendancies. So, while I might not be getting my Mom a physical gift, I’ll just say how lucky I’ve been to enjoy her support over all these years. Thanks Mom!

Photo Credit: Mafue via Flickr

Photo Credit: Mafue via Flickr

Finally, it was a mercifully short playoff run for the Vancouver Canucks this year, so I’ve moved on to my summer sports. Today, I’m checking out the Vancouver Whitecaps vs. LA Galaxy which should be quite entertaining. Add to that the fact I scored the tickets after negotiating with a season ticket holder on Craigslist, it’ll be a fun afternoon to catch up with an old friend.

Check out some awesome posts from the week!

  •  NZ Muse had a great post-wedding recap. One of the best written posts I’ve read in a long time.
  • Canadian Dream suggests the re-naming of the TFSA. You know, so people don’t just leave the money in a SAVINGS account, and actually INVEST it!


Thanks to everyone who included us last week! I’ve been having issues with pingbacks, so let me know if I missed you!

  • Young Adult Money: The one thing most people do not consider enough when choosing a career.


Posted in: Weekly Updates

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