
Updates: December 30 – January 5

Happy New Year! I hope everyone had a great week ringing in 2013, I know we did. As I mentioned last week, we went to a closing party for a local restaurant, which did not disappoint. Tickets were price at $40, which was about average based on what other locations around the city were charging, but the food was amazing. Touted as ‘light appetizers and passed canapés, it was nothing short of a full on all you can eat seafood buffet. We got there early enough that CF was able to eat her fill of crab claws, prawns, lobster and mussels. My personal favorite was the chef station where he was grilling up pan seared sea bass with red chili lentils. To top it all off , there was also a white and dark chocolate fondue station and other goodies. My mouth is watering just thinking about it.

CF's plate

CF’s plate

As far as 2013 goes, I’m not too keen on setting firm resolutions. I tried last year and am always disappointed when I inevitably start slipping in February. Rather than focus on making wholesale changes, I’m trying to remember that every day you have the choice to be your own person. If I can look back on the day and be happy with the choices I made, then I think I’ve been successful.

Check out some awesome reading from over the holidays!

  • January is a popular time to review Net Worth – Freedom Thirty Five takes a look at his Fiscal Update and shares some impressive numbers.
  • As our temperature flirts with the freezing level in Canada, NZ Muse is enjoying her time outside. While it’s certainly possible to spend more in the summer than the winter, if you’re into skiing or snowboarding, the opposite might be true.
  • Jordann at My Alternate Life recently ordered a Nexus 7 case online, yet it was delivered to her full name with blogging credentials. Since she didn’t use any of her blog information, does anyone know how this might have happend? It’s a mystery to me!
  • I am constantly inspired with the calm and clear headed nature in which Mr. Money Mustache deals with emergencies. I want to be more like him. My new motto shall be WWMMMD?
  • If you’re following RF Independance’s Guatamalan adventures, check out Part 8 here. There is more and more information on the large property development plan – very interesting.
  • Young Adult Money talks about the advantages of being a DINK.  Brian and I are DINKs and quite happily so.  We have a post coming up on the topic, so I won’t ruin the surprise – stay tuned!

Thanks again to everyone who included us this week!

  • Finance Fox: Weekend Recap – Hello 2013 & Money Talks



Posted in: Weekly Updates

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