
Hey, I got a raise

a raise, money , extra money, salary raise
I had my first ever annual performance review last week.  I meet with my manager every two weeks, so I didn’t expect there to be any major issues.  I’ve also only been at the job for about 7 months, so there wasn’t too much to talk about…. EXCEPT THE FACT THAT I GOT A RAISE.  Woohoo! Monies!Photo Credit: areasuburn via Flickr I received a raise of about 4.5%, which is pretty...

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Posted in: Career and Work

Using Planwise to create a money plan

planwise, money app, financial app, create a money plan, money plan
Have you heard of Planwise yet?  They’re an up and coming San Francisco based technology company that has created a pretty slick web app to help consumers plan out their finances.  The basic idea is that you give the app your financial stats – income, expenses, debts and so on – and then add “Plans” on top off your baseline.  Plans could be things like taking out a...

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Posted in: Money

Indulge yourself to stay on track

Indulge yourself, coffee, latte, splurge
Budgets are tough.  It’s easy to want things and so much harder to say no.  Saying no to yourself does get easier over time, but it helps if you leave enough room in your budget for the occasional indulgence.  It’s like a diet.  Everyone knows that eating lots of fruits, vegetables and fiber will keep you healthy, but the occasional chocolate bar does no harm and may offer some benefit as...

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Posted in: Entertainment and Leisure, Money

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