
Canadian MoneySaver Webinar

Canadian MoneySaver Webinar, handling finances, eliminate debt, get out of debt, frugal lifestyle
Dear readers, It’s not too long ago that I started connecting with you here on the Outlier Model. You may not know that I am also a financial writer for a magazine called the Canadian MoneySaver. Oddly enough I began reading this magazine when I was in my late twenties. Some 20 years later I’m writing articles for them, presented at one of their conferences, and now doing my first webinar...

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Posted in: Money

I shouldn’t have waited…

bmo, buying stocks, buying shares, shouldn't have waited
As many readers might recall, Brian and I split our retirement savings between our RRSPs and our Tax Free Savings Account.  In my TFSA, I hold exclusively dividend paying stocks which I hope will one day be the basis of my early retirement income.  Right now, I have BMO, SLF, RSI and REI.UN in my portfolio. For a while, I had been holding strong at 81 shares of BMO, which got me a quarterly dividend...

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Posted in: Money

Jumping in to online investing

online investing, stock market, trading, trading online
This is a Guest Post. Interested in Guest Posting with us? Check out our policy and get in touch! Frugality and saving money are important steps towards financial independence – but what’s next? Eventually, you’re going to have to figure out where all your hard earned money should be going in order to reach your financial goals. A savings account is great, but interest rates won’t...

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Posted in: Guest Post

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