
Updates: Oct 26 – Nov 1

I’m back! The European trip wrapped up earlier this week, so you’re stuck with me for the updates again. Every time I travel, it momentarily inspires me to put more effort in to learning languages. When I travel to a place, I want to be a local. I hate most touristy things and despise being thought of as a tourist. I have perfected the covert map check, just so I don’t stand out.


A beautiful fall day in Prague

Learning languages isn’t simple, but I’ve become a big fan of Duolingo, which offers free language lessons in a sort of game format. I’ve found it very useful – I started learning German a few months ago and definitely recognized more words this time around than the last time I was in Germany. I have been meaning to start refreshing my French for a Paris trip early next year, but have basically done nothing since I got home! I think if I can get both French and German up to an acceptable level, I can take off to Europe pretty much anytime and get by on languages! What about you – how many languages do you speak?

I’ve been away for so long, it’s good to finally read some blogs again!

Have a great week everyone and hope you had a fun Halloween too!

Posted in: Weekly Updates

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