
Updates: March 11 – 17

What a week.

One co-worker quit, one co-worker pregnant and I got a promotion! Most significant in my every day life, of course would be my promotion – increased responsibility and increased (yet to be determined) salary. Combined with CF’s new job, there is going to be a lot of budgeting and re-budgeting as we figure out how our new financial arrangements will work. In the meantime though, we both plan to go at least one month on our current budgets before implementing the new system. Having a ‘buffer’ month or two allows you to re-stock emergency funds, add to your investments or simply splurge a little bit and take family out for a meal. It’s important to recognize and thank those that have helped you succeed when you realize that success.

Things should be a bit quieter over the next month or so as CF gets ready for her final (final!) exams – stay tuned for more budgeting goodness!

Here’s a few articles to catch up on this week:


  • From CF: This is a local story but one which I felt was worth sharing.  BC has had some growth in the north which is resulting in a lack of skilled and unskilled labour.  The Vancouver Sun reports that the provincial government is looking at ways of getting employable welfare recipients up North, and providing them with training, housing and a job.  I personally think it’s a great idea.  There *are* jobs out there for people who want to work.  That is true of Vancouver, Prince George, or anywhere else.  Usually what is lacking is the will.  If it takes free training and housing to get people employed and contributing to society again, I’m all for it.


  • Sometimes you’ve got to tell it like it is. Joe Wood at TimelessFinance asks the tough question “are Canadians money stupid“? While it is written in the form of a rant, and is an offshoot of a debate with Big Cajun Man, I agree with his overall premise. There is a big philosophical issue I have here with the way finance and financial ‘advice’ are given and depicted in popular culture and the media. I feel that we are over placated by the media and society in general in relation to finance – it will always ‘be ok’. We are encouraged to spend money endlessly because this is what fuels our economy. I fully agree with Joe that it has gone too far and debt levels are so high that a lot of people must be stupid (he lays out the actual dictionary definition) to continue on this path.


  • Do you suffer from FOMO? I sure do. Fear Of Missing Out is a huge phenomenon in our society and one that fuels consumer demand. April at Get Rich Slowly discusses how social media has fueled FOMO and offers helpful tips on the road to recovery.




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