
Making money is easy… part 2!

Earlier this month, Brian posted about his casual special events novelty selling gig.   Special events are a great way to add a bit of extra cash since they are infrequent, flexible, and often, fun.

Photo Credit: http://www.flickr.com/photos/twon/

I’ve been picking up some extra cash myself this summer, so here are my ideas:

  • Mystery shopping: I do a few shops a month which nets me around $50 in cash plus free dinners and date nights!  The time commitment is usually around 1 hour for the shop itself (but includes free food for you and a guest) and another hour to complete the report.
  • Focus groups: I have done two focus groups this month.  Focus groups cover lots of different topics, from clothes, to books, to food.  They usually last one to two hours, but pay very well and don’t require any “homework”.  For example, I did a coffee tasting focus group which paid me $50 for an hour of my time and a music listening test which paid me $80.
  • Sell your stuff: I will often go through my belongings and try to see what I can live without.  Craigslist is your friend here because there are lots of people who want to buy your junk!  (Or at least take away for you for free!)  I recently sold a book for $70, which I had purchased originally for $40.

Any other ideas for making cash?

Posted in: Money

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