
Updates: May 1-7

This week I started at my new on-campus job, paying me about 75% of what I had been making previously. Dark, dark times ahead… *ominous music* I took the job because I wanted to have a job on campus that was easily accessible while I was in classes.

As I’ve mentioned before, I’ve returned to classes to finish my final year in a second degree program. It’s a bag of mixed feelings. I’m really excited to be graduating in something that excites me again but I’m also getting anxious to earn money again. It’s been tough at times, balancing my desire to have a fulfilling career and my desire to save lots of money so that I don’t need to work!

Some interesting links this week:

  • Brian and I liked this post from Robert on Canadian Dream: Free at 45.  It’s unusual because we often read different sorts of blogs.  Robert talks about how hard it is to motivate yourself, even when you know that you are doing the right thing.  He suggests that it is due to a lack of financial role models and the tendency of human nature to crave instant gratification.  Maybe it’s just me, but part of my enjoyment of life through making and executing plans.  Then again, I did score as a “Rational Mastermind” during a personality test…
  • Passive Income Now talks about “black boot moments” – those times where you panic and everything seems like nothing you do will work and failure is just around the corner.  I think everyone has these moments of doubt and anxiety – it’s how you deal with them that counts.
  • And finally, two bits of foodie goodness.  The first is a “recipe” (it’s more like a collection of suggestions) on how to make strawberry margarita popsicles.  It’s a great idea for homemade party treats.  The second is a heart attach inducing steak-sandwich-inside-a-bun that looks oh so good.  I suggest cutting it into eighths and serving it with a bit of salad for more reasonable proportions and cost-per-serving.  Both links originally from Lifehacker.
Posted in: Weekly Updates

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