
Getting a free credit report in Canada

Just a quickie today – I was pleased to knock this one off my list of things-to-do:

If you’re in Canada, and you’re interested in checking out your credit report, the government of Canada provides some handy links for your convenience.  (I was actually surprised at how easy it was to find this information…)  From here, you can request a paper copy of your credit report from Equifax or TransUnion Canada.  You’re entitled to one free annual credit report from each of the major agencies.

Original photo by Images of Money (http://www.flickr.com/photos/59937401@N07/)

However, if you want to know your credit score or if you want to view your credit report online, then a fee is required.

Checking your credit report regularly helps to catch mistakes or omissions.  Often it’s just minor things like a typo in an address or a misspelled name, but it could be something as bad as a mystery charge or old collection.  Either way, it is far better to check up on it once in a while and have time to fix it rather than leaving it off and possibly getting an unpleasant surprise the next time you need credit.

This has been on my to-do list for a while, so it felt good to finally to print out the form and mail it in today.  Woohoo!


Posted in: Credit and Debt

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